July 31, 2020

Case Study: Hash Generators prevent mineral lease expiry

Bitcoin mining 'Hash Generators' save Alberta producer's mineral lease. One of the beautiful properties about bitcoin is that mining acts as a portable sales point for electricity no matter where it is located. While interest continues to grow in the more commonly discussed oilfield bitcoin mining applications such as conserving vent and flare gas and revitalizing economically stranded gas wells, one use case that is not receiving as much attention is deploying our portable Ohmm™ mining datacenters to prevent mineral lease agreements from costly expiration...
October 21, 2019

Case Study: Alberta producer conserves stranded gas and eliminates flare with Ohmm datacenter

Detailing a recent Ohmm bitcoin mining installation used to reduce carbon emissions and eliminate flared gas from a producing oil well. Upstream Data Inc. specializes in the design and fabrication of Ohmm bitcoin mining datacenters for stranded energy applications in oilfield. Our goal is to help oil and gas producers increase their bottom line by offering them profitable energy conservation options.