Engine Rebuilding

Member of AERA® Engine Builders Association
If oil and gas is the lifeblood of human civilization, then engines are the heart that powers it!
Natural gas engines are the critical prime mover in the production, processing and transport of oil and gas. At Upstream Data we believe that Lloydminster will remain the center of heavy oil production services and continue to be the world leader in upstream heavy oil and gas technology for years to come.
As part of this vision, we have invested in a high quality CNC engine machine shop full of the newest Rottler equipment. We are dedicated to rebuilding engines with the highest quality parts and service for customers in the Lloydminster and surrounding region. Our focus on quality will ensure maximum system uptime and run-life.
Natural gas engines are the critical prime mover in the production, processing and transport of oil and gas. At Upstream Data we believe that Lloydminster will remain the center of heavy oil production services and continue to be the world leader in upstream heavy oil and gas technology for years to come.
As part of this vision, we have invested in a high quality CNC engine machine shop full of the newest Rottler equipment. We are dedicated to rebuilding engines with the highest quality parts and service for customers in the Lloydminster and surrounding region. Our focus on quality will ensure maximum system uptime and run-life.

Caustic Hot Tanking
Replace Cam Bearings
Deck Surfaces
Rebore block
Align & Hone Cylinders / Sleeve Cylinders
Crank Shaft Polishing
Block Parallel & Pressure Test Block
Replace Cam Bearings
Deck Surfaces
Rebore block
Align & Hone Cylinders / Sleeve Cylinders
Crank Shaft Polishing
Block Parallel & Pressure Test Block

Caustic Hot Tanking
Jet Wash, Soda Blasting and Glass Beading
Resurfacing and Pressure Testing
Valve Seat Machining, Replacement or Refacing
Valve Guide Installation
Injector Tube Replacement
Valve Spring Testing and Setting
Jet Wash, Soda Blasting and Glass Beading
Resurfacing and Pressure Testing
Valve Seat Machining, Replacement or Refacing
Valve Guide Installation
Injector Tube Replacement
Valve Spring Testing and Setting

Disassembly, Inspection and Assessment
Cleaning and Machining all Components
Faulty Component Replacement
We assemble all components with new parts to achieve a quality product with maximum reliability!
Cleaning and Machining all Components
Faulty Component Replacement
We assemble all components with new parts to achieve a quality product with maximum reliability!
Servicing the local Lloydminster and area
Modern CNC engine machining focused on natural gas engine rebuilding and repair.
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We optimize power generation in both the utility power industry and the oil and gas sector.